Mandatory parameters by country
A lack of some parameters will not cause your requests to fail, however, you will not be authorized for live processing without providing the appropriate information in each request.
Quick links
Argentina legislation requires Merchants and PSPs to store certain transaction data for 5 years. (Detailed information please see “Exhibit 3 – Compliance requirements LATAM”, included in contract).
Credit Card
Mandatory parameters | Data Type | Format | Description |
Authorization: Bearer | Token | Header | Authorization header with Bearer authentication scheme. |
entityId | Alphanumeric | AN32 [a-f0-9]{32} | entityId identify the channel that will process the transaction (Initial or Recurring) |
paymentBrand | Alphanumeric | AN32 [a-zA-Z0-9_] {1,32} | The payment brand of the request. |
card.number | Numeric | N19 [0-9]{12,19} | The PAN or account number of the card. |
card.holder | Alphanumeric | A128 {3,128} | Holder of the credit card account |
card.expiryMonth | Numeric | N2 (0[1-9]|1[0-2]) | The expiry month of the card. |
card.expiryYear | Numeric | N4 (19|20)([0-9]{2}) | The expiry year of the card. |
card.cvv | Numeric | N4 [0-9]{3,4} | The card security code or CVV |
merchantTransactionId | Alphanumeric | AN255 [\s\S]{8,255} | Merchant-provided reference number, should be unique for your transactions |
customer.merchantCustomerId | Numeric | N11 | Customer ID Number (CUIT) |
amount | Numeric | N10.N2 [0-9]{1,10}.[0-9]{2} | Ex: 15.00. May not be null! |
currency | Alphanumeric | A3 [a-zA-Z]{3} | Obligatory value = “ARS” (Argentinian pesos) |
descriptor | Alphanumeric | AN127 [\s\S]{1,127} | Detailed description, Ex: “ - product 123 - Order number 1234” |
customer.givenName | Alphanumeric | AN [\s\S] | The first name or given name of the customer |
customer.surname | Alphanumeric | AN [\s\S] | The last name or surname of the customer. |
billing.street1 | Alphanumeric | AN100 [\s\S]{1,100} | Street and street number of the customer. |
billing.postcode | Numeric | N6 [0-9]{6} | ZIP code of the customer’s residence, Ex: 1636 | | Alphanumeric | AN30 [\s\S]{2,30} | City where the customer lives. |
billing.state | Alphanumeric | AN50 [\s\S]{2,50} | Province where the customer lives. | | Alphanumeric | A2 [A-Za-z]{2} | Obligatory value = “AR” | | Alphanumeric | AN128 [\s\S]{6,128} | Ex: “” |
customer.ip | IPv4 or IPv6 format | AN255 [\s\S]{1,255} | The customer's IP address. Ex: |
paymentType | Alphanumeric | A2 [A-Za-z]{2} | Ex: DB or PA |
customParameters[merchant_sitename] | Alphanumeric | AN50 [\s\S]{2,50} | Merchant website, Ex: “” |
customParameters[product] | Alphanumeric | AN50 [\s\S]{2,50} | product description, Ex: “product 123” |
recurringType | Alphanumeric | A20 | INITIAL|REPEATED |
testMode (*only for Staging env) | Alphanumeric | A20 | EXTERNAL: causes test transactions to be forwarded to the processor's test system for 'end-to-end' testing |
Brazilian legislation requires Merchants and PSPs to store certain transaction data for 5 years. (Detailed information please see “Exhibit 3 – Compliance requirements LATAM”, included in contract).
Credit Card
Mandatory parameters | Data Type | Format | Description |
Authorization: Bearer | Token | Header | Authorization header with Bearer authentication scheme. |
entityId | Alphanumeric | AN32 [a-f0-9]{32} | entityId identify the channel that will process the transaction (Initial or Recurring) |
paymentBrand | Alphanumeric | AN32 [a-zA-Z0-9_] {1,32} | The payment brand of the request. |
card.number | Numeric | N19 [0-9]{12,19} | The PAN or account number of the card. |
card.holder | Alphanumeric | A128 {3,128} | Holder of the credit card account |
card.expiryMonth | Numeric | N2 (0[1-9]|1[0-2]) | The expiry month of the card. |
card.expiryYear | Numeric | N4 (19|20)([0-9]{2}) | The expiry year of the card. |
card.cvv | Numeric | N4 [0-9]{3,4} | The card security code or CVV |
merchantTransactionId | Alphanumeric | AN255 [\s\S]{8,255} | Merchant-provided reference number, must be unique for your transactions |
customer.merchantCustomerId | Numeric | CPF: 11 digits or CNPJ: 14 digits | Customer ID Number (CPF or CNPJ) Ex:
amount | Numeric | N10.N2 [0-9]{1,10}.[0-9]{2} | Ex. 10.00. May not be null! |
currency | Alphanumeric | A3 [a-zA-Z]{3} | Obligatory value = “BRL” (Brazilian Real) |
descriptor | Alphanumeric | AN127 [\s\S]{1,127} | Detailed description, Ex: “ - product 123 - Order number 1234” |
customer.givenName | Alphanumeric | AN [\s\S] | The first name or given name of the customer |
customer.surname | Alphanumeric | AN [\s\S] | The last name or surname of the customer. |
billing.street1 | Alphanumeric | AN100 [\s\S]{1,100} | Street and street number of the customer. |
billing.postcode | Numeric | N8 [0-9]{8} | Postal code of the customer’s residence, Ex: 01332000 | | Alphanumeric | AN30 [\s\S]{2,30} | Customer’s city of residency. |
billing.state | Alphanumeric | AN50 [a‐zA‐Z0‐9.]{1,50} | Customer's province of residency. | | Alphanumeric | A2 [A-Za-z]{2} | Obligatory value = “BR” | | Alphanumeric | AN128 [\s\S]{6,128} | E.g. “” |
customer. ip | IPv4 or IPv6 format | AN255 [\s\S]{1,255} | IP number of customer. Mandatory due to risk management purposes Ex: |
paymentType | Alphanumeric | A2 [A-Za-z]{2}. A2 [A-Za-z]{2} | IEx: DB or PA |
customParameters[merchant_sitename] | Alphanumeric | AN50 [\s\S]{2,50} | Merchant’s URL, Ex: “” |
customParameters[product] | Alphanumeric | AN50 [\s\S]{2,50} | product description, Ex: “product 123” |
recurringType | Alphanumeric | A20 | INITIAL|REPEATED |
testMode (*only for Staging env) | Alphanumeric | A20 | EXTERNAL: causes test transactions to be forwarded to the processor's test system for 'end-to-end' testing |
Mandatory parameters | Data Type | Format | Description |
Authorization: Bearer | Token | Header | Authorization header with Bearer authentication scheme. |
entityId | Alphanumeric | AN32 [a-f0-9]{32} | entityId identify the channel that will process the transaction (Initial or Recurring) |
paymentBrand | Alphanumeric | AN32 [a-zA-Z0-9_] {1,32} | The payment brand of the request.Obligatory value =“PAYPAL” |
merchantTransactionId | Alphanumeric | AN127 [\s\S]{1,127} | Merchant-provided reference number, must be unique for your transactions |
customer.merchantCustomerId | Numeric | CPF: 11 digits or CNPJ: 14 digits | Customer ID Number (CPF or CNPJ) Ex:
amount | Numeric | N13 [0-9]{1,10}.[0-9]{2} | Ex: 10.00. May not be null! |
currency | Alphanumeric | A3 [a-zA-Z]{3} | Obligatory value = “BRL” (Brazilian Real) |
descriptor | Alphanumeric | AN127 [\s\S]{1,127} | Detailed description, Ex: “ - product 123 - Order number 1234” |
customer.givenName | Alphanumeric | AN [\s\S] | The first name or given name of the customer |
customer.surname | Alphanumeric | AN [\s\S] | The last name or surname of the customer. |
billing.street1 | Alphanumeric | AN100 [\s\S]{1,100} | Street and street number of the customer. |
billing.postcode | Numeric | N8 [0-9]{8} | Postal code of the customer’s residence, E.g. 01332000 | | Alphanumeric | AN30 [\s\S]{2,30} | Customer’s city of residency. |
billing.state | Alphanumeric | AN50 [a‐zA‐Z0‐9.]{1,50} | Customer's province of residency. | | Alphanumeric | A2 [A-Za-z]{2} | Obligatory value = “BR” | | Alphanumeric | AN128 [\s\S]{6,128} | Ex: “” |
customer. ip | IPv4 or IPv6 format | AN255 [\s\S]{1,255} | The customer's IP address. Ex: |
paymentType | Alphanumeric | A2 [A-Za-z]{2}. A2 [A-Za-z]{2} | Ex: DB or PA |
customParameters[merchant_sitename] | Alphanumeric | AN50 [\s\S]{2,50} | Merchant’s URL, Ex: “” |
customParameters[product] | Alphanumeric | AN50 [\s\S]{2,50} | product description, Ex: “product 123” |
shopperResultUrl | Alphanumeric | AN2048[\s\S]{6,2048} | This URL will receive the result of an asynchronous payment. Must be sent URL encoded. |
testMode (*only for Staging env) | Alphanumeric | A20 | EXTERNAL: causes test transactions to be forwarded to the processor's test system for 'end-to-end' testing |
Mandatory parameters | Data Type | Format | Description |
Authorization: Bearer | Token | Header | Authorization header with Bearer authentication scheme. |
entityId | Alphanumeric | AN32 [a-f0-9]{32} | entityId identify the channel that will process the transaction (Initial or Recurring) |
paymentBrand | Alphanumeric | AN32 [a-zA-Z0-9_] {1,32} | The payment brand of the request. Obligatory value=“BOLETO” |
merchantTransactionId | Alphanumeric | AN255 [\s\S]{8,255} | Merchant-provided reference number, must be unique for your transactions |
customer.merchantCustomerId | Numeric | CPF: 11 digits or CNPJ: 14 digits | Customer ID Number (CPF or CNPJ) Ex:
amount | Numeric | N10.N2 [0-9]{1,10}.[0-9]{2} | Ex: 10.00. May not be null! |
currency | Alphanumeric | A3 [a-zA-Z]{3} | Obligatory value = “BRL” (Brazilian Real) |
descriptor | Alphanumeric | AN127 [\s\S]{1,127} | Detailed description, Ex: “ - product 123 - Order number 1234”* |
customer.givenName | Alphanumeric | AN [\s\S] | The first name or given name of the customer.* |
customer.surname | Alphanumeric | AN [\s\S] | The last name or surname of the customer.* |
billing.street1 | Alphanumeric | AN100 [\s\S]{1,100} | Street and street number of the customer.* |
billing.postcode | Numeric | N8 [0-9]{8} | Postal code of the customer’s residence, Ex: 01332000 | | Alphanumeric | AN30 [\s\S]{2,30} | Customer’s city of residency.* |
billing.state | Alphanumeric | AN2 | Customer's province of residency. Ex: SP, RJ, PR, etc | | Alphanumeric | A2 [A-Za-z]{2} | Obligatory value = “BR” | | Alphanumeric | AN128 [\s\S]{6,128} | Ex: “” |
customer. ip | IPv4 or IPv6 format | AN255 [\s\S]{1,255} | The customer's IP address. Ex: |
paymentType | Alphanumeric | A2 [A-Za-z]{2} | Obligatory value = “PA” |
customParameters[merchant_sitename] | Alphanumeric | AN50 [\s\S]{2,50} | Merchant’s URL, Ex: “” |
customParameters[product] | Alphanumeric | AN50 [\s\S]{2,50} | product description, Ex: “product 123” |
shopperResultUrl | Alphanumeric | AN2048[\s\S]{6,2048} | This URL will receive the result of an asynchronous payment. Must be sent URL encoded. |
customParameters[CUSTOM_CPF_number] | Numeric | CPF: 11 digits or CNPJ: 14 digits. | Customer ID Number (CPF or CNPJ) Ex:
customParameters[CUSTOM_due_date] | Date (DD/MM/YYYY) | {10} | Expiry Date, Format DD/MM/YYYY, Ex: 31/12/2020 ** |
testMode (*only for Staging env) | Alphanumeric | A20 | EXTERNAL: causes test transactions to be forwarded to the processor's test system for 'end-to-end' testing |
Brazilian banks do not support special characters for Boletos. Ex: !, @, #, $, %, ¨, &, * , (, ), _ , +, = , ´ , “ , ‘ , ] ,[ , ^,? ,: , >, <, TM, ®, º, °, /, |, \, {, }, ª, ¢, ¬, £, etc, then you must ensure that the customer does not enter special character in these fields.
Expiry date: Payment of the Boleto is possible up to this date. At least 3 days from issuing date is recommended, so that the customer has enough time to conclude the payment.
Chile legislation requires Merchants and PSPs to store certain transaction data for 5 years. (Detailed information please see “Exhibit 3 – Compliance requirements LATAM”, included in contract).
Credit Card
Mandatory parameters | Data Type | Format | Description |
Authorization: Bearer | Token | Header | Authorization header with Bearer authentication scheme. |
entityId | Alphanumeric | AN32 [a-f0-9]{32} | entityId identify the channel that will process the transaction (Initial or Recurring) |
paymentBrand | Alphanumeric | AN32 [a-zA-Z0-9_] {1,32} | The payment brand of the request. |
card.number | Numeric | N19 [0-9]{12,19} | The PAN or account number of the card. |
card.holder | Alphanumeric | A128 {3,128} | Holder of the credit card account |
card.expiryMonth | Numeric | N2 (0[1-9]|1[0-2]) | The expiry month of the card. |
card.expiryYear | Numeric | N4 (19|20)([0-9]{2}) | The expiry year of the card. |
card.cvv | Numeric | N4 [0-9]{3,4} | The card security code or CVV |
merchantTransactionId | Alphanumeric | AN255 [\s\S]{8,255} | Merchant-provided reference number, should be unique for your transactions |
customer.merchantCustomerId | Numeric | N8-9 [0-9] {8,9} | Customer ID Number (RUT), Ex: 24794213 or 354625490 |
amount | Numeric | N10.N2 [0-9]{1,10}.[0-9]{2} | Ex: 1000.00. May not be null! |
currency | Alphanumeric | A3 [A-Z]{3} | Obligatory value = “CLP” (Chilean pesos) |
descriptor | Alphanumeric | AN127 [\s\S]{1,127} | Detailed description, Ex: “ - product 123 - Order number 1234” |
customer.givenName | Alphanumeric | AN [\s\S] | Given (first) name of the customer. |
customer.surname | Alphanumeric | AN [\s\S] | Family name of the customer. |
billing.street1 | Alphanumeric | AN100 [\s\S]{1,100} | Street and street number of the customer. |
billing.postcode | Numeric | N4 [0-9]{4} | ZIP code of the customer’s residence, Ex: 9500 | | Alphanumeric | AN30 [\s\S]{2,30} | City where the customer lives. | | Alphanumeric | A2 [A-Za-z]{2} | Obligatory value = “CL” | | Alphanumeric | AN128 [\s\S]{6,128} | Ex: “” |
customer.ip | IPv4 or IPv6 format | AN255 [\s\S]{1,255} | The customer's IP address. Ex: |
paymentType | Alphanumeric | A2 [A-Za-z]{2} | Ex: DB or PA |
customParameters[merchant_sitename] | Alphanumeric | AN50 [\s\S]{2,50} | Merchant website, Ex: “” |
customParameters[product] | Alphanumeric | AN50 [\s\S]{2,50} | product description, Ex: “product 123” |
recurringType | Alphanumeric | A20 | INITIAL|REPEATED |
testMode (*only for Staging env) | Alphanumeric | A20 | EXTERNAL: causes test transactions to be forwarded to the processor's test system for 'end-to-end' testing |
Colombia legislation requires Merchants and PSPs to store certain transaction data for 5 years. (Detailed information please see “Exhibit 3 – Compliance requirements LATAM”, included in contract).
Credit Card
Mandatory parameters | Data Type | Format | Description |
Authorization: Bearer | Token | Header | Authorization header with Bearer authentication scheme. |
entityId | Alphanumeric | AN32 [a-f0-9]{32} | entityId identify the channel that will process the transaction (Initial or Recurring) |
paymentBrand | Alphanumeric | AN32 [a-zA-Z0-9_] {1,32} | The payment brand of the request. |
card.number | Numeric | N19 [0-9]{12,19} | The PAN or account number of the card. |
card.holder | Alphanumeric | A128 {3,128} | Holder of the credit card account |
card.expiryMonth | Numeric | N2 (0[1-9]|1[0-2]) | The expiry month of the card. |
card.expiryYear | Numeric | N4 (19|20)([0-9]{2}) | The expiry year of the card. |
card.cvv | Numeric | N4 [0-9]{3,4} | The card security code or CVV |
merchantTransactionId | Alphanumeric | AN255 [\s\S]{8,255} | Merchant-provided reference number, should be unique for your transactions |
customer.merchantCustomerId | Numeric | ID: 10 digits | Customer ID Number (Cédula de Ciudadanía, Tarjeta de Identidad, Cédula de Extranjería, NIT or passport), Ex: 1234567890 |
amount | Numeric | N10.N2 [0-9]{1,10}.[0-9]{2} | Ex: 15.00 (Minimum amount for VISA 15.00 COP). May not be null! |
currency | Alphanumeric | A3 [A-Z]{3} | Obligatory value = “COP” (Colombian pesos) |
descriptor | Alphanumeric | AN127 [\s\S]{1,127} | Detailed description, Ex: “ - product 123 - Order number 1234” |
customer.givenName | Alphanumeric | AN [\s\S] | The first name or given name of the customer |
customer.surname | Alphanumeric | AN [\s\S] | The last name or surname of the customer. |
billing.street1 | Alphanumeric | AN100 [\s\S]{1,100} | Street and street number of the customer. |
billing.postcode | Numeric | N6 [0-9]{6} | ZIP code of the customer’s residence, Ex: 112211 | | Alphanumeric | AN30 [\s\S]{2,30} | City where the customer lives. | | Alphanumeric | A2 [A-Za-z]{2} | Obligatory value = “CO” | | Alphanumeric | AN128 [\s\S]{6,128} | Ex: “” |
customer.ip | IPv4 or IPv6 format | AN255 [\s\S]{1,255} | IP address of the shopper. Used for risk management purposes. Ex: |
paymentType | Alphanumeric | A2 [A-Za-z]{2} | Ex: DB or PA |
customParameters[merchant_sitename] | Alphanumeric | AN50 [\s\S]{2,50} | Merchant website, Ex: “” |
customParameters[product] | Alphanumeric | AN50 [\s\S]{2,50} | product description, Ex: “product 123” |
recurringType | Alphanumeric | A20 | INITIAL|REPEATED |
testMode (*only for Staging env) | Alphanumeric | A20 | EXTERNAL: causes test transactions to be forwarded to the processor's test system for 'end-to-end' testing |
Credit Card
Mandatory parameters | Data Type | Format | Description |
Authorization: Bearer | Token | Header | Authorization header with Bearer authentication scheme. |
entityId | Alphanumeric | AN32 [a-f0-9]{32} | entityId identify the channel that will process the transaction (Initial or Recurring) |
paymentBrand | Alphanumeric | AN32 [a-zA-Z0-9_] {1,32} | The payment brand of the request. |
card.number | Numeric | N19 [0-9]{12,19} | The PAN or account number of the card. |
card.holder | Alphanumeric | A128 {3,128} | Holder of the credit card account |
card.expiryMonth | Numeric | N2 (0[1-9]|1[0-2]) | The expiry month of the card. |
card.expiryYear | Numeric | N4 (19|20)([0-9]{2}) | The expiry year of the card. |
card.cvv | Numeric | N4 [0-9]{3,4} | The card security code or CVV |
merchantTransactionId | Alphanumeric | AN255 [\s\S]{8,255} | Merchant-provided reference number, should be unique for your transactions |
amount | Numeric | N10.N2 [0-9]{1,10}.[0-9]{2} | Ex: 10.00. May not be null! |
currency | Alphanumeric | A3 [A-Z]{3} | Obligatory value = “MXN” (Mexican Peso) |
descriptor | Alphanumeric | AN127 [\s\S]{1,127} | Detailed description, Ex: “ - product 123 - Order number 1234” |
customer.givenName | Alphanumeric | AN [\s\S] | The first name or given name of the customer |
customer.surname | Alphanumeric | AN [\s\S] | The last name or surname of the customer. |
billing.street1 | Alphanumeric | AN100 [\s\S]{1,100} | Street and street number of the customer. |
billing.postcode | Numeric | N5 [0-9]{5} | ZIP code of the customer’s residence, Ex: 64410 | | Alphanumeric | AN30 [\s\S]{2,30} | City where the customer lives. |
billing.state | Alphanumeric | A2 [A-Za-z]{2} | State of the customer’s residence. | | Alphanumeric | A2 [A-Za-z]{2} | Obligatory value = “MX” | | Alphanumeric | AN128 [\s\S]{6,128} | Ex: “” |
customer.ip | IPv4 or IPv6 format | AN255 [\s\S]{1,255} | The customer's IP address. Ex: |
paymentType | Alphanumeric | A2 [A-Za-z]{2} | Ex: DB or PA |
customParameters[merchant_sitename] | Alphanumeric | AN50 [\s\S]{2,50} | Merchant website, Ex: “” |
customParameters[product] | Alphanumeric | AN50 [\s\S]{2,50} | product description, Ex: “product 123” |
recurringType | Alphanumeric | A20 | INITIAL|REPEATED |
testMode (*only for Staging env) | Alphanumeric | A20 | EXTERNAL: causes test transactions to be forwarded to the processor's test system for 'end-to-end' testing |
Mandatory parameters | Data Type | Format | Description |
Authorization: Bearer | Token | Header | Authorization header with Bearer authentication scheme. |
entityId | Alphanumeric | AN32 [a-f0-9]{32} | entityId identify the channel that will process the transaction (Initial or Recurring) |
paymentBrand | Alphanumeric | AN32 [a-zA-Z0-9_] {1,32} | The payment brand of the request. Obligatory value=“OXXO” |
merchantTransactionId | Alphanumeric | AN255 [\s\S]{8,255} | Merchant-provided reference number, should be unique for your transactions |
customer.givenName | Alphanumeric | AN [\s\S] | The first name or given name of the customer |
customer.surname | Alphanumeric | AN [\s\S] | The last name or surname of the customer |
billing.street1 | Alphanumeric | AN100 [\s\S]{1,100} | Street and street number of the customer. |
billing.postcode | Numeric | N8 [0-9]{5} | ZIP code of the customer’s residence, Ex: 01309 | | Alphanumeric | AN30 [\s\S]{2,30} | City where the customer lives. |
billing.state | Alphanumeric | A2 [A-Z]{2} | State of the customer’s residence. | | Alphanumeric | A2 [A-Z]{2} | Obligatory value = “MX” | | Alphanumeric | AN128 [\s\S]{6,128} | Ex: “” |
customer.ip | IPv4 or IPv6 format | AN255 [\s\S]{1,255} | IP address of the shopper. Used for risk management purposes. Ex: |
paymentType | Alphanumeric | A2 [A-Za-z]{2} | Obligatory value = “PA” |
amount | Numeric | N10.N2 [0-9]{1,10}.[0-9]{2} | Ex: 10.00. May not be null! |
currency | Alphanumeric | A3 [a-zA-Z]{3} | Obligatory value = “MXN” |
customParameters[CUSTOM_due_date] | Date (DD/MM/YYYY) | {10} | Due Date, Format DD/MM/YYYY, ex 20/12/2020 * |
customParameters[merchant_sitename] | Alphanumeric | AN50 [\s\S]{2,50} | merchant website, Ex: “” |
customParameters[product] | Alphanumeric | AN50 [\s\S]{2,50} | product description, Ex: “product 123” |
testMode (*only for Staging env) | Alphanumeric | A20 | EXTERNAL: causes test transactions to be forwarded to the processor's test system for 'end-to-end' testing |
Expiry date: Payment of the Oxxo is possible up to this date. At least 3 days from issuing date is recommended, so that the customer has enough time to conclude the payment.
Credit Card
Peru legislation requires Merchants and PSPs to store certain transaction data for 5 years. (Detailed information please see “Exhibit 3 – Compliance requirements LATAM”, included in contract).
Mandatory parameters | Data Type | Format | Description |
Authorization: Bearer | Token | Header | Authorization header with Bearer authentication scheme. |
entityId | Alphanumeric | AN32 [a-f0-9]{32} | entityId identify the channel that will process the transaction (Initial or Recurring) |
paymentBrand | Alphanumeric | AN32 [a-zA-Z0-9_] {1,32} | The payment brand of the request. |
card.number | Numeric | N19 [0-9]{12,19} | The PAN or account number of the card. |
card.holder | Alphanumeric | A128 {3,128} | Holder of the credit card account |
card.expiryMonth | Numeric | N2 (0[1-9]|1[0-2]) | The expiry month of the card. |
card.expiryYear | Numeric | N4 (19|20)([0-9]{2}) | The expiry year of the card. |
card.cvv | Numeric | N4 [0-9]{3,4} | The card security code or CVV |
merchantTransactionId | Alphanumeric | AN255 [\s\S]{8,255} | Merchant-provided reference number, should be unique for your transactions |
customer.merchantCustomerId | Numeric | N11 {8,11} | Customer ID Number (RUC, DNI or Cédula de Extranjería) |
amount | Numeric | N10.N2 [0-9]{1,10}.[0-9]{2} | Ex: 15.00 (Minimum amount for VISA 15.00 PEN). May not be null! |
currency | Alphanumeric | A3 [A-Z]{3} | Obligatory value = “PEN” |
descriptor | Alphanumeric | AN127 [\s\S]{1,127} | Detailed description, Ex: “ - product 123 - Order number 1234” |
customer.givenName | Alphanumeric | AN [\s\S] | The first name or given name of the customer |
customer.surname | Alphanumeric | AN [\s\S] | The last name or surname of the customer. |
billing.street1 | Alphanumeric | AN100 [\s\S]{1,100} | Street and street number of the customer. |
billing.postcode | Numeric | N6 [0-9]{6} | ZIP code of the customer’s residence, Ex: 15001 | | Alphanumeric | AN30 [\s\S]{2,30} | City where the customer lives. |
billing.state | Alphanumeric | AN50 [\s\S]{2,50} | Province where the customer lives. | | Alphanumeric | A2 [A-Za-z]{2} | Obligatory value = “PE” | | Alphanumeric | AN128 [\s\S]{6,128} | Ex: “” |
customer.ip | IPv4 or IPv6 format | AN255 [\s\S]{1,255} | IP address of the shopper. Used for risk management purposes. Ex: |
paymentType | Alphanumeric | A2 [A-Za-z]{2} | Ex: DB or PA |
customParameters[merchant_sitename] | Alphanumeric | AN50 [\s\S]{2,50} | Merchant website, Ex: “” |
customParameters[product] | Alphanumeric | AN50 [\s\S]{2,50} | product description, Ex: “product 123” |
recurringType | Alphanumeric | A20 | INITIAL|REPEATED |
testMode (*only for Staging env) | Alphanumeric | A20 | EXTERNAL: causes test transactions to be forwarded to the processor's test system for 'end-to-end' testing |
Last updated